Effects of Low Dose Gamma Ray on Some Hematological Parameters in Adult Rats

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Physics Dept., College of Science, Mosul University, Mosul

2 Department of Biophysics, College of Science, , University of Mosul, Mosul,IRAQ

3 Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Mosul, Mosul


Introduction: The study aimed to find the low dose effect gamma ray on some hematological parameters in male albino rats obtained from the Mosul University, IRAQ, and also studied the radioprotective effect of black seed oil on the hematological parameters.
Material and Methods: The system is made of 241Am as gamma source .The rats were exposed to gamma radiation for limit period .Hematological investigations in which the red blood cells (RBC) also white blood cells (WBC) were found by the result of Neubauer haemocytometer method hemoglobin(Hb) concentration obtained due to cyanomethaemoglobin test. The packed cell volume (PCV) was determined using the micro-centrifuge method. Platelets were achieved.
Results: All hematological parameters found significantly decreased in all groups receiving daily dose of 6 mGy/h for 7h/day for 25, and 50 days compared with those in the control group. However group 2. Treated with 400 mg/kg wt /day for 25 days, showed a significant increase in the mentioned parameters.  Groups 3 and 4 were exposed to gamma ray in two stages(at a daily dose 6 mGy/h for 7h /day for 25 and 50 days) .Group 4 showed a significant enhancement  in hematological parameter when  treated  with  black seed oil , compared with group3 which had a significant decrease in these parameters compared with the control group.
Conclusion: The present work showed the function of black seed oil considered as an advanced material in decreasing the oxidant stress on hematological parameters againstgamma ray with limited dose.


Main Subjects

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