Keywords = prediction
An artificial neural network to predict solar UV radiation in Tabriz

Volume 15, Special Issue-12th. Iranian Congress of Medical Physics, November and December 2018, Pages 187-187


Reza Malekzadeh; Parinaz Mehnati; Ata Allah Nadiri; Yaser Bagheri; Hadi Sabri; Reza Meynagi Zadeh Zargar; Mahak Osuli

Estimated ultraviolet exposure levels for a sufficient vitamin D status in northwestern Iran

Volume 15, Special Issue-12th. Iranian Congress of Medical Physics, November and December 2018, Pages 188-188


Reza Malekzadeh; Parinaz Mehnati; Hadi Sabri; Reza Meynagi Zadeh Zargar; Mahak Osuli

Comparison between artificial neural network and radiobiological modeling for prediction of thyroid gland complications of after radiotherapy

Volume 15, Special Issue-12th. Iranian Congress of Medical Physics, November and December 2018, Pages 241-241


Sevda Shahbazi; Aysan Namdar; Asghar Mesbahi