Effect of Dental Filling Materials on Electron Beam Radiotherapy Dose Distribution in Head Region: a Monte Carlo Study by FLUKA and MCNPX Codes

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Modern Technologies, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran.

2 1Department of Physics, Payame Noor University (PNU), P.O. Box 19395-3697 Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Radiation therapy is regarded as the mainstay treatment for head or neck cancer patients. In this method, the backscattered radiation of dental composites can damage the surrounding tissue.
Material and Methods: The current study compared the effects of electron beam radiation on healthy teeth with the tooth filled with materials used in dentistry with FLUKA and MCNPX2.6 codes. The simulation was performed for a 512 mm3 cubic tooth composed of Amalgam and Ceramco materials.
Results: The simulation results indicated that patients with dental caries who inevitably filled their teeth with artificial restorationreceived a more effective dose, as compared to others. Moreover, it was revealed that Ceramco increases the radiation risk more than Amalgam does. Therefore, Amalgam is the right choice for dental filling.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, ceramic material poses patients to increased radiation risk more than Amalgam does; therefore, it is recommended that Amalgam be used to fill dental cavities.


Main Subjects


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