Introduction: Medical physicists [MP] employed in radiation medicine are health professionals [1, 2] and are responsible for the radiation protection of the patient, staff, and the public. IAEA has prescribed minimum educational and training requirements for being clinically qualified medical physicists [CQMP], [3]. As the application of ionizing radiation is increasing in the diagnosis of various ailments and treatment mostly in radiation oncology, radiology & interventional radiology, and nuclear medicine across the globe, more and more MPs are required to take care of rising demand [4]. In the Asia Oceania region, the rapidly growing health care system requires an increasing number of MPs and many countries in this region have started masters in medical physics [MMP] program. The quality of the MMP program and the competency of MPs produced by the institutes/universities imparting the education and training needs to be of the required standard and requirement. The aim of present study was to access the current status of medical physics education and workforce in the Asia Oceania Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics [AFOMP] region. Material and Methods: To access the status of medical physics education in the AFOMP region data is collected from 21 countries and national medical physics organizations [NMO] of Asia Oceania region regarding the MMP education program, intake capacity, and certification, registration. Results: It is observed that 105 institutes in the AFOMP region are conducting the MMP program with a total annual capacity of about 800 students. Further, we observed that in 9 countries the MMP programs are accredited, and 11 countries have MP certification boards. From the present analysis, it was observed that the number of medical physicist in AFOMP NMO varies from 0.56 to 20.0 MP per million population. Conclusion: To meet increasing needs of P, more MPE programs recommended.
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CHOUGULE, A. (2022). Current Status of Medical Physics Education and Workforce in AFOMP Region. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 19(3), 167-174. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2021.56941.1956
CHOUGULE, A. . "Current Status of Medical Physics Education and Workforce in AFOMP Region", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 19, 3, 2022, 167-174. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2021.56941.1956
CHOUGULE, A. (2022). 'Current Status of Medical Physics Education and Workforce in AFOMP Region', Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 19(3), pp. 167-174. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2021.56941.1956
A. CHOUGULE, "Current Status of Medical Physics Education and Workforce in AFOMP Region," Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 19 3 (2022): 167-174, doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2021.56941.1956
CHOUGULE, A. Current Status of Medical Physics Education and Workforce in AFOMP Region. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2022; 19(3): 167-174. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2021.56941.1956