Skin Dosimetry of Some Beta Sources using the VARSKIN2 Code

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Associate Professor, Physics Dept., School of Sciences, Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran

2 M.Sc., in Physics, School of Sciences, Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran


Introduction: Skin dose and depth dose distribution of some beta sources that can contaminate skin or protective clothing covering the skin have been calculated using VARSKIN2.
Materials and Methods: In this research, absorbed dose to skin and depth dose from the skin surface have been calculated for 90Sr/90Y, 147Pm, 32P beta emitter radioisotopes by using input parameters: activity of source, cover thickness, cover density, air gap thickness, radiation time and different source geometries.
Results: Absorbed dose variation was calculated for beta sources in different source forms, namely, point, 2-D disk, cylindrical, spherical and slab sources. The results show that a cylindrical source causes the minimum damage to skin cells. Therefore, this shape of source is the best with respect to radiation protection.
Discussion and conclusion: The VARSKIN2 code is a very useful tool for skin dosimetry, as well being fast, accurate and user friendly. It can be used for dose optimization calculations especially for beta sources over human skin.



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