Studying the Mechanical Behavior of Tissue in the Generation of Pressure Sores using Simulation and a Guinea Pig Experimental Model

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Biomedical Engineering Dept., Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering Dept., Tarbiat Modares Univerisy, Tehran, Iran

3 Associated Professor, Physiotherapy Dept., Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction:  Pressure  sores  refer  to  lesions  that  are  produced  while  a  constant  pressure  causes  necrotic 
tissue to grow. The need for a better comprehension of the process has led researchers to artificial generation 
of  pressure  sores.  Modeling  the  mechanical  behavior  of tissue  will  provide  a better understanding  of this 
process as well as a more suitable selection of system parameters. 
Materials and Methods: In this research, the mechanical behavior of tissue was modeled using the finite 
element method. A system with pressure sensors and a suitable feedback mechanism was used to generate 
pressure  sores.  The  elastic  parameters  of  tissue  were  obtained  using  uniaxial  tensile  strength  tests.  The 
thicknesses of skin layers were calculated by taking microscopic images of skin samples and using Motic 
Images 2000 version 1.2 software.  
Results: The results of the finite element modeling illustrate the strain and stress profiles in tissue layers. The 
maximum values of deviatory strain occurred under the border of the disc in the muscle layer. Deviatory and 
shear stresses reached their maximum values under the center of the disc in the skin layers.  
Discussion and Conclusion: The simulation and experimental results are in good agreement. Therefore, the 
introduced model may be used for better comprehension of tissue behavior. Better results may be obtained by 
finding a more accurate method for calculating tissue parameters. 


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