Local Diagnostic Reference Levels for Some Common Diagnostic X-Ray Examinations In Sabzevar County of Iran

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Cardiovascular Diseases Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran

2 Medical Physics Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


Introduction: Diagnostic reference level (DRL) is a useful tool for the promotion of optimization. The national DRLs (NDRLs) are useful, brief, and robust guidelines for optimizing radiation protection in a country. The aim of this study was to extract the local DRLs (LDRLs) for some common radiologic examination in Sabzevar county.
Materials and Methods: There are eight radiology departments in Sabzevar County, Iran. The entrance skin dose (ESD) distributions were determined by use of thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) chips for 10 standard projections (i.e., anterioposterior [AP] abdomen, AP and posteroanterior [PA] chest, AP and lateral [LAT] lumbar spine, AP pelvis, cervical AP, cervical LAT, as well as AP and LAT skull). The third quartiles of the measured ESDs were compared with the previously published data.
Results: In the present study, the third quartile of the measured ESDs for the patients undergoing specific examination were selected as LDRLs. The calculated LDRLs for the chest PA, chest AP, lumbar spine PA, lumbar spine LAT, pelvis AP, abdomen AP, cervical AP, cervical LAT, skull PA, and skull LAT were 0.54, 0.64, 1.99, 3.83, 1.47, 2.15, 0.54, 0.78, 1.22, and 1.01 mGy, respectively.
Conclusion: Our results were compared with the DRLs reported in Iran, UK, and Japan as well as those reported by the National Radiological Protection Board (NPRB) for the UK. The ESDs obtained in this study for the chest PA, cervical AP, cervical LAT, AP and LAT skull, abdomen AP, pelvis AP, lumbar PA, and lumbar LAT examinations did not exceed the DRL values reported by NPRB. 


Main Subjects

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