Construction of an Equivalent Chest Homogeneous Phantom for Evaluation of Image Quality in Pediatric Radiography

Document Type : Conference Proceedings


1 Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran TEL: 09123044609, E-mail:

3 Departeman of imaging of Velayat hospital, University of medical science, Qazvin, Iran


The purpose of this study is to build homogeneous equivalent phantom chest in order to provide the necessary ability for checking the image quality in radiographic tests in four age groups of children in terms of the most recent age group categorization ICRP103. This phantom provides the features of weakness and discrepancies similar to body and can be considered as a good alternative for the geometrical body equivalent Phantom.
Materials and Methods:
This geometrical body equivalent phantom has been employed in order to measure the absorbed dose using Monte Carlo calculation code. Using this phantom in Monte Carlo space in which x-ray tube system has been simulated as well makes it possible to analyze the weaknesses and x-ray discrepancies. The Phantom is made of Plexiglas.
Validity of the tests with lower than 5% error, deep dose in Monte Carlo and the experimental space as well collectively confirms the simulator program. After the process of simulation, the homogeneous phantoms chest equivalent in children were produced with different thicknesses for different age groups. Simulated as well makes it possible to analyze the weaknesses and x-ray discrepancies.
The phantom designed in this study can be used to evaluate the dose of children in different age groups, Also, using image quality control tools such as contrast, resolution, etc. in this phantom can be used to evaluate the parameters of the image quality in the actual condition of the patient's body. In this study, An attempt was made to provide a new method for the construction of a chest equivalent phantom that would include all age groups.
