Introduction: Low-density bulk metallic glass (BMG) with good structural characteristics has the potential of being used for structural radiation shielding purposes. This study was conducted on two new low-density titanium (Ti)-based BMGs (i.e., Ti32.8Zr30.2Ni5.3Cu9Be22.7 and Ti31.9Zr33.4Fe4Cu8.7Be22) to investigate their photon and fast neutron shielding capacities. Material and Methods: The mass attenuation coefficients, half-value layers, effective atomic numbers, and exposure buildup factors of the two BMGs were calculated at the photon energy values of 15 keV and 15 MeV. Computation of mass attenuation coefficients and effective atomic numbers was accomplished using the XCOM and auto-Zeff software, respectively. In addition, the geometric progression procedure-based computer code EXABCal was used for calculating the exposure buildup factors of BMG. The fast neutron removal cross-sections were also calculated for the two BMGs. The calculated photon and fast neutron shielding parameters for BMGs were compared with those of lead (Pb), heavy concrete, and some recently developed glass shielding materials and then analyzed according to their elemental compositions. Results: The results showed that though Pb had a better photon shielding capacity, Ti-BMG attenuated photons better than heavy concrete. Furthermore, BMG had a higher neutron removal cross-section, compared to heavy concrete and some recently developed glass shielding materials. The neutron removal cross-sections of Ti32.8Zr30.2Ni5.3Cu9Be22.7 and Ti31.9Zr33.4Fe4Cu8.7Be22 were obtained as 0.1663 and 0.1645 cm-1,respectively. Conclusion: his study revealed that Ti-based BMG with high strength and low density have potential applications in high-radiation environments, particularly in nuclear engineering for source and structural shielding.
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Olarinoye, O. and Oche, C. (2021). Gamma-Ray and Fast Neutron Shielding Parameters of Two New Titanium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 18(2), 139-147. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2020.42684.1635
Olarinoye, O. , and Oche, C. . "Gamma-Ray and Fast Neutron Shielding Parameters of Two New Titanium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 18, 2, 2021, 139-147. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2020.42684.1635
Olarinoye, O., Oche, C. (2021). 'Gamma-Ray and Fast Neutron Shielding Parameters of Two New Titanium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses', Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 18(2), pp. 139-147. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2020.42684.1635
O. Olarinoye and C. Oche, "Gamma-Ray and Fast Neutron Shielding Parameters of Two New Titanium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses," Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 18 2 (2021): 139-147, doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2020.42684.1635
Olarinoye, O., Oche, C. Gamma-Ray and Fast Neutron Shielding Parameters of Two New Titanium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2021; 18(2): 139-147. doi: 10.22038/ijmp.2020.42684.1635