Author = Mehdi Momennezhad
The Measurement of Neutron Contamination in High Energy X-Ray Radiotherapy Using a He-3 Gas Dosimeter

Volume 21, Issue 5, September and October 2024, Pages 329-335


Alireza Vejdani; Mehdi Momennezhad; Sara Mohammadi; Vajiheh Vejdani Noghreiyan; Atefeh Rostami

Evaluation of Patient Set Up Errors in Head and Neck Three-Dimensional (3D) Conformal and Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Using Electronic Portal Imaging Device

Volume 19, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 270-274


Alireza Farajollahi; narjes mohammadzadeh; Mehdi Momennezhad; shahrokh naseri; shokoufeh mohebbi; Fateme Shahedi; shadi mohebbi

A Proposed Methodology for Magnetic Resonance Images' Geometrical Distortion Correction Intended To Use For Radiotherapy Planning Using a Large Inhouse Field of View

Volume 19, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 305-314


Shahrokh Naseri; Mehdi Momennezhad; Atefeh Rostami; Hoda Zare; Kazem Anvari; Hamed Reza Sayah; Vajiheh Vejdani Noghreiyan

Quality assessment of conventional X-ray diagnostic equipment by measuring X-ray exposure and tube output parameters in Great Khorasan Province, Iran

Volume 16, Issue 1, January and February 2019, Pages 34-40


Mohammad Hashemi; Shahram Bayani Roodi; Fateme Shahedi; Mahdi Momennezhad; Hoda Zare; Hamid Gholamhosseinian

Dosimetric comparison of conventional and field-in-field techniques in early stage breast cancer radiotherapy

Volume 15, Special Issue-12th. Iranian Congress of Medical Physics, November and December 2018, Pages 19-19


Seyed Mohammad Hosseini; Mahdi Momennezhad

Evaluation of the Portal Imaging System Performance for an Elekta Precise Linac in Radiotherapy

Volume 15, Issue 4, October 2018, Pages 295-303


Fatemeh Shahedi; Mehdi Momennezhad; shahrokh Nasseri; Hamid Gholamhosseinian

Evaluation of Personal Shields Used in Selected Radiology Departments

Volume 12, Issue 1, March and April 2015, Pages 43-48


Mohsen Salmanvandi; Mehdi Momennezhad; Shahrokh Naseri; Reza Ghasemnezhad; Hadi Didehvar; Marym Salari

Calculations of Linac Photon Dose Distributions in Homogeneous Phantom Using Spline

Volume 10, Issue 2, September and October 2013, Pages 133-138


Hamid-Reza Sadoughi; Shahrokh Nasseri; Mahdi Momennezhad; Hadi Sadoghi-Yazdi; Mohammad-Hossein Zare; Mohammad-Hossein Bahreyni-Toosi