Author = Hamid Gholamhosseinian
Study of the Radio-Protective Effects of Henna Mixed With Vinegar on the Skin of Irradiated Rats

Volume 21, Issue 4, July and August 2024, Pages 249-257


Mojgan Hasanzade; Mohammad Taghi Bahreyni Toossi; Masoumeh Gharib; Shirin Taraz Jamshidi; Hamid Gholamhosseinian; Shokouhozaman Soleymanifard

Quality assessment of conventional X-ray diagnostic equipment by measuring X-ray exposure and tube output parameters in Great Khorasan Province, Iran

Volume 16, Issue 1, January and February 2019, Pages 34-40


Mohammad Hashemi; Shahram Bayani Roodi; Fateme Shahedi; Mahdi Momennezhad; Hoda Zare; Hamid Gholamhosseinian

Integrating fMRI data into 3D conventional radiotherapy treatmentplanning of brain tumors

Volume 15, Special Issue-12th. Iranian Congress of Medical Physics, November and December 2018, Pages 449-449


Arman boroun; Shahrokh Naseri; Sirus Nekooei; Kazem Anvari; Hossein Akbari_Lalimi; Jamshid Jamali; Hamid Gholamhosseinian; Alireza Montazer abadi

Evaluation of Dose Calculation Accuracy of Isogray Treatment Planning System in Craniospinal Radiotherapy

Volume 15, Issue 4, October 2018, Pages 231-236


Mohammad Taghi Bahreyni Toossi; Sara Momeni; Shokouhozaman Soleymanifard; Hamid Gholamhosseinian

Evaluation of the Portal Imaging System Performance for an Elekta Precise Linac in Radiotherapy

Volume 15, Issue 4, October 2018, Pages 295-303


Fatemeh Shahedi; Mehdi Momennezhad; shahrokh Nasseri; Hamid Gholamhosseinian

A Validation Study on Radiation properties of a Novel LiF: Mg, Ti Known as IAP-100

Volume 15, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 117-125


Kheirollah Mohammadi; Hamid Gholamhosseinian; Omid Baziar; Aghil Mohammadi; Shahram Bayani Roodi